Steve T's Rants: Grammar and Spelling: The Scourge of America's Youth
Steve T's Rants: Grammar and Spelling: The Scourge of America's Youth
Wow, what a soapbox, Steve! lol...had to throw that in. :D I agree my dear, but I must expand on it a bit. I agree that this is becoming a major problem with our youth, and must wonder how it is affecting, or will affect, their work initiative; non-the-less their ability to converse properly in a general social setting. But, what I'm seeing on message boards and chat sites is the inability to spell, horribly improper grammar, and the non use of puncuation by ADULTS! There is one lady in particular that springs to my mind when this subject comes up because she is worse than any I've seen she is on one of my favorite message boards she is a daily poster and she types much like this with no punctuation at all or only at the very end of an entire paragraph that hasn't not been spelling checked or grammar checked at all and is all time talkin bout her virtual bar and whatis your fav drink?!!!!! Oh Lord, this woman drives me nuts! It only makes me think that she has a real bar open at all hours and has no education. And then, these are the same people who will post jokes about how all Tennessean's are hillbilly trash, with no education, talk like they have a cleft palate, and breed insestuasly. I so want to call on these people in the public forum and speak my mind.
To further the insult on the ineffecient learning of grammer and spelling, I must comment on the schools where our children are NOT always being taught correctly. I believe that for the most part teachers are doing a good job with the English language classes, though I'm sure there are discrepancies. I mean, if a teacher doesn't speak properly, she/he isn't going to teach properly either. One gripe I had this past school year was with our daughter's class on the introduction to foreign languages. The book for the class was structured to give the basics of four different languages in one year of study. This in itself is not sensible and would become confusing to a child, and very little can be learned of each language. While studying for the first language, Spanish, I learned that she is not taught the Spanish alphabet, puncuation, or verb/noun tense. I believe to learn any language these are the three most important aspects to be learned. I hope and look forward to being as much involved in her school this coming year so that I will be more aware of not only what's being taught, but how it's being taught.
Thank you my Love....I hadn't checked this blog of yours in awhile because you rarely post here.....guess I'm going to have to more often.
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